Журнал "Медицина невідкладних станів" 1 (64) 2015
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The syringes are 350 years! Рistorical notes to anniversary
Автори: Halushko O.A., Petrychenko V.V., Petrychenko S.A. - National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after Platon L.Shupik
Рубрики: Медицина невідкладних станів
Розділи: Історія медицини
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The first important steps in the origin and formation methods of injecting drugs were made in the middle of the XVII century. In 1648 French philosopher, mathematician and physicist Blaise Pascal created the design for the study of fluid pressure, which consisted of press and needles, which served as the prototype of the modern needle. Among the inventions Pascal should mention other useful things: hydraulic press machine for arithmetic and barometer. Unfortunately, his syringe interested in others much less than other devices.
In the early 1660's Christopher Wren (1632-1723), architect, doctor, one of the members of the Oxford Group, the world's first experiments performed with intravenous infusions of opium, wine, beer, ale, milk and so on. As the needle Christopher Wren used the feather and instead syringe – bladders of fish and animals. Notice about his experiments were published in 1665 in the "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London". Thus, the year 1665 can be considered as the date of the first report of the use of syringes - devices for injecting drugs. From that day has passed 350 years, and on the occasion of the anniversary of the venerable interesting to trace the fate of syringes.
At the same time the German Johann Sigismund Elsholts (1623-1688) worked with people using accessories that remotely resembled a needle Rena. In 1664 Elsholts attempted intravenous injection and blood transfusion from person to person through injection of a device similar to the shaft of bird feathers. In the engraving, dated 1667 year shown in the experiments of Dr. Elsholts holding intravenous injection.
And despite the fact that the first injection were still in the middle of the 17th century, second syringe`s birthday as medical instrument considered in 1853. Two people who worked independently of each other, almost simultaneously created a device for introducing fluids into the body. It was the Scot Alexander Wood and Frenchman Charles Gabriel Pravats. Historians have not reached a final conclusion as to which of them should be called the inventor of the modern syringe, but believed that it was invented by Charles Gabriel Pravats syringe needle and empty, and Alexander Wood proposed a method for its use. Dr. Wood's experiments on the use of the syringe were due to his desire to rid the patient of pain.
In 1894, thanks to glassblower Fournier created the first glass syringe. This idea was quickly picked up the company "Luer", which began producing solid glass syringes that have been put into practice and are reusable. Conical connection which offered German scholar Herman Vulfinh Luer, quickly became an international standard and most common type of fastening the needle to the syringe cylinder.
In 1906 reusable syringe type "Record" with a glass cylinder, piston metal and metal needle was designed. The set also included special containers for storage of sterilized syringe, which was a special stand for two injection needles. The boiling was preferred method of sterilization of syringes and needles at the time. From frequent and prolonged heat treatment needles and injection procedure for patient was accompanied by significant pain.
In the years 1949-1950 Arthur E.Smith received US patents for disposable glass syringe. But a new revolution in the use of injectable drugs brought in 1956. That's when the syringe acquires new qualities to replace glass reusable design comes disposable plastic syringe, which was created by the New Zealand veterinarian Colin Murdoch. Issue of plastic disposable syringes commercially started in 1961.
Today syringe is constantly improving and acquiring new forms, qualities and functionality. In 2009, Marc Koska constructed and showed a syringe, which after opening the package changes color from clear to bright - red, what prevents (patient) of its reuse.
Today technological progress has made the most painless injection procedure, and the use of disposable syringes minimized the risk of transmission from one patient to another.